
Showing posts from March, 2018

Goomeri Project Photography Contest

Subject We are looking for photographs that illustrate a point of view, a perspective of how the entrant sees and feels about his or her connection to life in Goomeri & surrounding area Kilkivan to wondai. The image will be judged for its concept, composition and relation to the theme. Prizes All selected photographs will be exhibited as a pre festival programme at the Goomeri Pumpkin Festival 2018 All selected photographers will receive a gift pack and media exposure before and after the exhibition Exhibition The photographic project exhibition will be organised by the Goomeri Project a non-profit community organization in collaboration with the Goomeri Pumpkin Festival. The selected 12 photographs by the judges will be exhibited and auctioned as a pre festival activity. All proceeds will go to a charity yet to be determined. Our aim is to raise awareness about our small town which will effectively bring tourists to sustain the economy of the town. Mo...