The connection between David Jones and the creation of Goomeri.

In this post we will cover several events in the early history of Goomeri Town and the connection between David Jones and the creation of Goomeri.
There is evidence that the area as we know now wide Bay - South Burnett, that people were in this area since 1840s. Some were squatters, Some may have pastoral lease and some were here so they can remain unnoticed from the government. 
In 1946 British Government passed the Australian land sale Act which granted squatters “pre-emptive rights and fourteen years lease “ The law also eased acquiring newly released land for the settlers. So a group of young adventourous men rode from Brisbane Valley exploring the newly discovered country. Among them was Edward Hawkins. After the usual difficulties that most pastoralists encountered, Hawkins made some progress and built a homestead in Boonara. But life was difficult with no proper road connection to Maryborough or Brisbane. So after three years in Boonara he set out to seek his fortune in the USA and unfortunately he never returned to Australia as he was drowned in California. So the Boonara run was taken up by Mr David Jones of Sydney. He was looking property for his two sons David Mander and George Jones.
At the time Boonara compromised 265 Square miles of well watered country. Mr Jones employed a large number of labour force many of them were European immigrants , some of their descendants eventually settled in this area permanently. 
In 1862 the present day Boonara homestead was built on the site of the old one. David Mander Jones died in 1864 at the age of thirty. Davids son Llewellyn eventually took over the running of the property. from David’s brother George. 
According to Mr David Jones eldest son of Llewllyn Boonara was originally a number of leases from the crown , and as each lease expired a portion was eligible to be converted to freehold. Resumption of land for selection began in the 1080’s. When the last lease expired in 1906, Boonara consisted of 33,000 acres freehold. 
There was always a close relationship between the Sydney store of David Jones and Boonara. One often helped the other to survive through difficult times.
When the railway line was being extended from Kilkivan in 1902 , the authorities consulted Llewllyn Jones about a name for the new siding to be located on his property . The area around this siding was known as the Goomeribong Cattle camp therefor the siding was named “Goomeri”.
Current owners Rob and Lorraine Goodchild celebrated sesquicentenary of Boonara Homestead on 2012.

Courtesy - Where two rivers run by Dulcie logan, heritage trail and


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